Welcome to the "Tour Around Lake Ontario" -

July 9 to 18, 2010

US First Robotics Team 2228 - CougarTech - Sponsorship to date: $ 480

Thanks to our Sponsors...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 2 - Oswego to Cape Vincent - not able to post


  1. We had a great day traveling 84 miles - left around 9 am and got here at around 5:30 pm - picked a nice camp site right on the water - no pictures - can't tyransfer from my BlackBerry - no wireless on the camp site - hopefully more and some pictures tomorrow...

  2. Hi Dad!
    Glad to hear things are going well for you and you are having a good time! I'm having a good time at home with Jake, Cooper & the Robinsons but miss you. We'll be watching for your next post to see how you're doing. Of course, they'll have to read it to me ...
    Woof, Einstein :-)

  3. Hallo there on the road!

    We are following your progress, your comments are very interesting and amazing as well as making new friends all over the place.

    Please accept our donation of $ 45.00 towards FIRST Robotics.

    Good luck and regards.
    Your family in Venezuela,

    Mutti and Jochen
