Welcome to the "Tour Around Lake Ontario" -

July 9 to 18, 2010

US First Robotics Team 2228 - CougarTech - Sponsorship to date: $ 480

Thanks to our Sponsors...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 9 - Niagara on the Lake to Medina, NY - about 50 miles

Back in the USA and sleeping in a motel tonight after two nights in our tents. From our campground the day began with a short climb on a 10% grade and then a longer climb of 5% to get the Queenston-Lewiston bridge. We had an uneventful border crossing, but waited in line with many Canadian cars at the US side of the bridge. They were probably on the way to the US for shopping.

Sorry for the lack of pictures - WiFi and phone connections are not freely available...We will add pictures when we are back home in Rochester.

The weather has been cooperating with us - today, we had mostly great tail winds, allowing us to travel at about 16 - 17 miles per hour without too much effort. We ended up at the Dollinger Motel in Medina around 2 pm. Son Christoph drove up from Erie, PA to spend some time with us in Medina. So, we walked around and ended up eating at an Italian restaurant in town (food was great).

Tomorrow we are on our final leg - and it looks like we will not be riding much of the distance together, since the Napp's have to head to a more southerly direction to get home than the Nawrocki's.

It looks like the entire trip will be slightly longer than 600 miles...but everyone, the bicycles and trailers held up really well.

We are all looking forward to spending a night in a real bed (first time since our first night in Oswego)...

Until tomorrow...Cheers...