Welcome to the "Tour Around Lake Ontario" -

July 9 to 18, 2010

US First Robotics Team 2228 - CougarTech - Sponsorship to date: $ 480

Thanks to our Sponsors...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

One day to go...

13 hours to go before we take off...
Christoph (shown on the left) arrived last night in Rochester - on time. Today we finalized the packing - stopped by at Nawrocki's to pick up some bags...checked out the road between our house and Nawrocki's house to make sure we find our way tomorrow.
We test rode our fully loaded bikes around the HF neighborhood - Christoph was able to try to ride with the trailer - he liked it ;o) .
Oh yeah - we caught a chipmonk this morning and set it free at Nawrocki's house...