Welcome to the "Tour Around Lake Ontario" -

July 9 to 18, 2010

US First Robotics Team 2228 - CougarTech - Sponsorship to date: $ 480

Thanks to our Sponsors...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 4 Picton to Port Hope, Ontario

After a night camping near Sandbanks Provincial Park, we got an early start and stopped after 15 miles for a great breakfast in Wellington. Our ride to Port Hope was scenic, but uneventful- except for a brief stop just 5 miles from our hosts to wait out a downpour.

We have enjoyed an incredible evening around the fire with Bart and Judith in Port Hope. The picture shows us enjoying some chat after dinner. Our first order of business upon arrival was for a swim in Lake Ontario- right in their backyard! Refreshing after a 75 mile day on the bike! Dinner, beverages and ice cream around the fire pit capped a good day.
Tomorrow we set out for Toronto…..another 70+ mile day, but by now we are used to it. So far we have covered about 320 miles in the last four days.